Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Finally have enough time to do a short blog, I've been wanting to do one for last week but didn't really have alot of time.

This evening, I got to Skype with my friend Hydra and finish up my projects from the previous week. A couple of valentine related wreaths. Also, got to start on a spring/Easter wreath and cut out alot of Loteria cards with the intentions of maybe doing some paintings or shadowbox or altered boxes with them.

I tried adding photos but it's not uploading them. 😑



Saturday, January 14, 2017


Not much happened this week, for craft time. A combination of bad timing and needing to have some family time. I am hoping to get something done this evening, hoping not have to be solo. Got some projects to finish up and possibly start if possible.

Friday, January 6, 2017


I know it's not the 5th, but that's when I was able to spend some Skype time with my friend Amy. I just was tired last night, I didn't have time to post about it.

First portion of the evening, I didn't get much accomplished except finally sorting through my cling stamps into 3 different categories so they will be easier to find when I need them.  I've been wanting to make some cards and use my new markers.

Other then that, I did manage to cover a clipboard fancying it up a bit. It's been something I've wanted to try for a while to see if it would work decently. Just needs another coat and possibly clear coat to add a bit more protection. Much better then a boring press board clipboard though.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Crafted this evening with my friend Hydra. Got to finish somethings from last week and start a couple new things evening that will be for Valentines Day. Or what we playfully call "love crap". Don't get me wrong, I love "love", I am just not a decorator. 😉